Decentralized finance protocol Poly Network has offered the person behind a $610 million hack an advisery position and $500,000 — whether they like it or not. In a Tuesday update, the Poly Network team said, in a seeming attempt to gain access to the hacker’s expertise, that it would be inviting them to the position of chief security adviser. In addition, the project will be sending a $500,000 bounty for the attacker, whom Poly dubbed "Mr. White Hat," despite the fact they have previously refused any payment. “Poly Network has no intention of holding Mr. White Hat legally responsible, as we are confident that Mr. White Hat will promptly return full control of the assets to Poly Network and its users,” said the team. “As we have stated in previous announcements and encrypted messages that have been made public, we are grateful for Mr. White Hat’s outstanding contribution to Poly Network’s security enhancements.”